Law of attraction faq: Why you can’t manifest cold hard cash

Today we’re answering the question “why can’t I manifest cold hard cashing using the law of attraction?” I asked life transformation expert Croix stather  and this is what he told me…

"If it is cold hard cash, does that mean that it is cold and timid to come to you? Does it mean it is hard to come by? If you have a lot of money does that mean you are cold and unfriendly?
This is why most people cannot use the law of attraction to manifest money. It is not in alignment with who they are and your subconscious about money. You’re a good person, right? But money is cold and hard and that’s not like you. 
Then if being filthy rich means having a lot of money means you are dirty, your subconscious mind will repel money away from you because that is your vibration about money. 
Here is a truth you must know. You’re already excellent at manifesting. Everything in your life has already been manifested by who you were in the past. Your experiences become your conscious and subconscious thoughts, and your beliefs and emotions. 
Everything in your life today, your challenges and your blessing, are the result of how your mind is currently programmed. And it works every day, all day, without fail. 
If you want things to change, you must change. 
Specifically, you need to reprogram your mind to repel the things you don’t want and to attract the positive things you do want. 
If you want to attract money, as an example, then you need to reprogram your thoughts, actions, beliefs and emotions about money. This happens by cancelling old negative beliefs about money and replacing them with empowering beliefs about money. 
Cancel out the phrase (and belief) that “money doesn’t grow on trees,” replace it with “Money flows like a endless river giving life to everything near its path.”
At least 90% of quotes, phrases, and education around money is negative. Your parents were likely broke or tightwads. School didn’t even teach you how to balance a check book. And society promotes unhealthy debt and buying habits. It’s no wonder most people are losing sleep over money. 
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Stop repelling money and start attracting money by transforming the way you talk, believe, and feel about money and money will flow into your life like an endless river nourishing everything near its path."
“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.”
Henry David Thoreau
About Croix:
Croix Sather is an author, speaker, and international expert on the law of attraction and manifestation. He ran across America by tapping into the power of his mind to go from a non-runner to a marathon a day for 100 days, in less than a year. He lives a travel lifestyle globe hopping while working from his laptop in search of the next great adventure and the hidden masters of the mind.