Why do I Manifest what I DON’T want? Law of Attraction fails and how to solve it

Do you wish for one thing, but seem to manifest the opposite.
I want to pay off my bills, but I get another surprise bill.
I want a happy relationship, but then we argue over something silly.
I want to lose weight, but then I eat a fatty meal.
Does this sound familiar?
It’s all too common and it is frustrating, right?
So I asked  life transformation expert Croix Sather, what this is all about and this is what he said …
“There is something so very important that most people don’t know and that is why they manifest what they don’t want instead of what they want. Actually it is 3 things and here they are …
1 - You are ALWAYS manifesting.
Whether you realize it or not, you are manifesting your predominant thoughts AND emotion.
If you think it and you feel it, you will attract it.
This works in your favor when you are aligned to you dreams and goals. But it works against you when you are aligned to what you fear or what you don’t want.
This can literally make you sick or make you well.
It can keep you broke or make you wealthy.
It can keep you in turmoil or bring you to a life of love and happiness.
The secret to this is understanding that what you think and feel is what you attract.
2 - You must think and believe it has already happened.
I know this one is difficult to grasp but this is just as important as anything. You must act as if you have the thing you want.
You might be thinking, “Croix, but I am driving around in a beat up piece of junk car that is embarrassing to drive. How can I pretend it’s a new red Mustang convertible?’
When you align to your “inevitable future” it manifests easy. You start by being grateful for what you do have. Don’t curse your old car, pat the dashboard and thank it like you would a puppy. Gratitude for “what is” crucial. Because “what is” is on the path to what will be.
Then you feel the emotions of driving in the new car. How does it make you feel when you are walking towards your shinny car and you hear the beep beep as you unlock the door? How does it feel as you sit inside and have the new car smell and you hear the motor come to life and the radio starts to play your favorite song?
I know you don’t have it. But you have to believe that you do for it to come true.
The mind cannot tell the difference between what is vividly imagined and felt as what is real.
Have you ever met an athlete that didn’t visualize the big win? No because they all see the finish line before they step up to the start line.
I saw the finish line in NYC thousands of times in my mind before I left California to run across America. It was inevitable that I would finish and set a new world record.
Here is something you probably never heard of before.
If you are visual, you see it in your mind.
If you are auditory you hear it.
If you are an empath you feel it.
But whatever you are, you must believe it and feel the emotion of when you are living it.
3 - Take inspired action
You have to take action towards the things that inspire you and bring you alive. Nothing happens without action. Action is visualizing like we talked about above. And action is taking the steps to reach you goals and dreams.
If you want a new job, you have to let people know you are looking for a new job so that the universe can align to make it happen. And then you have to go to the interview for them to fall in love with you.  
If you want to meet your soul mate, you need to let go of the past so that you are fee to attract the perfect person for you.
If you want pay your bills off and be debt free, you have to value the feeling of being debt free and then make a plan for it to happen.
Remember …
1 - You are always manifesting.
2 - Think, feel and believe as if it has already happened.
3 - Take inspired action.
Your next step is to watch this video that I created for you so that you can attract, manifest and create the things you want. I will show exactly how to tap into the 3 levels of your mind to achieve amazing goals. Just like I did when I ran across America. But no worries, I won’t teach about running, but I will teach about manifesting money, health, a soul mate, a debt free life, a new car or whatever it is that you desire. Click here to watch and learn what only a few people know.”
Croix’s video will not be up forever, so don’t let this opportunity to learn from one of the most amazing people I know. This video will be a game changer for you. So click here to check it out.
Oh yeah - before you go Are you failing to make the Law of Attraction work for you? Are you trying all the manifestation techniques, but still... NOTHING? If so check the link in the description to download your free ebook 11 Weird Law Of Attraction Hacks to Ramp Up Your Manifestations NOW!