Here is my number one tip for how to optimise your life, be successful, live your best life, everything.
Take control of your mind. Your brain, mind set is like a powerful computer that comes without instructions. If you install the right apps on it, it can function to its best and highest capacity. It can learn and compute and problem solve, create, imagine and manifest and amazing life for you.
On the other hand, if you do not take charge of your brain and mind, like an unsecured computer, it will get infected by spam and pop ups and viruses and Trojan horses which, in real life terms translates as, you'll just become another zombie in the matrix, ticking off the life list, following the masses, on the treadmill of the rat race with a head-full of sheepish trends, bad news, reality TV drama and a wasted life of bored dissatisfaction.
Which one are you going to choose?
Your brain is and has always been like a sponge absorbing everything going on around it, ever since you where a tiny innocent little kid. It absorbed and still constantly absorbing all the praise and criticism, stories and belief from your parents, family, teachers, all the messages from tv, music, adverts and media.
This, for better and worse affects how you feel about yourself, what you believe and acts as programming for how you function on a daily basis. You'll have witnessed how you have similar cute little ism's or idiosyncrasies like your mother, because you "got it from your mum".
There darker side of this is negative thoughts and patterns. Is there something in your life that you always seems to screw up, for example money - you're in debt or never have much money. Walk back in time and think about what you where told and taught about money. Where you quite poor or people around you talked about lack of money? And now, what you also believe deep down to links money to lack and being poor. Your brain has installed the poor app, because you have negative beliefs and programming brainwashed into you from being a kid and the world at large now (we're constantly bombarded by adverts trying to install their buy, buy, buy, spend, spend, spends apps).
You've probably seen a particular friend in your life who always gets into bad relationships with type of person that is terrible for them, over and over again. Why? Because at some point their brain has installed the app, aka belief that they don't deserve some that's going to treat them right (perhaps they saw unhealthy relationships growing up or on TV and thought that is normal) so that is the programming that plays out over and over again. As a friend witnessing this it's tough, it doesn't matter what you say. The same thing will keep happening until your friend, not anyone else around them, installs a different app, changes their beliefs and upgrades their programming. This could be diving into what a healthy relationship is, or that they deserve some who's going to treat them like king or queen.
Some famous dude said whether you think you can, or can't, you're right. Have you ever met a lucky person life is sunshine and rainbows, wine and roses for them? They see the world as a beautiful wonderful positive place. Or a person that is a fun sponge, a mood hoover who always seems to have bad things happen to them? Whether they know it or not, it's all in the programming.. the apps or beliefs that have installed by them or the world, alot of times unwittingly.
So far this is sounding pretty bad. No, my friend, now you're aware of this it is the best opportunity of your life. You have the choice to be brave an take control of your super computer, you brain. You can uninstall the spam and the viruses, the beliefs and the stories that do not serve your best life and reinstall apps, beliefs, stories that will upgrade your life and take it to the next level.
Speaking of the Matrix then, will you choose to come down this rabbit hole?
Sometimes uninstalling the old apps or beliefs, stories and programming takes some effort, persistence and time because they've been there for years, and it can be uncomfortable letting go of something like a kid letting go of their comfort blanket. However, if you resonate with what you've read so far, it is surely going to be worth it to upgrade you life.
How do you identify the old apps... Or negative beliefs and limiting programming? Look at the areas of your life that could be better or you know you really Want to change.
It might help to write it down, type your thoughts, jot a note or scribble a diagram. Next, step back from your life, imagine that you're looking at it like a storyboard or movie that you can pause, rewind and replay on. Take the time to objectively (detach and look at it like another person's story) search for, witness and identify the stories, situations people and beliefs that have installed the undesired apps, or negative beliefs and programming into your current brain. Write it down if it helps, just notes or in full detail if that's what helps.
From your still objective view point ask the question; "is this brain app (belief, story programming) working in a positive way for me now?"
If the answer if yes, leave it installed - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. If the answer no, uninstall it and replace it with a better app (belief, story, programming).
How do you uninstall the spam beliefs and reinstall better ones? There are many methods.
1. Just decide. That's it, make the choice. Mentally click the uninstall button and then choose to think and do differently.
2. Re brain wash yourself
3. Carrot and stick approach. What would happen if you do and what would happen if you don't? Imagination and projecting forward in time lines here can help alot.
4. Have a reboot. Relive, forgive, you deserve better, let go, move on. May require some professional help, re experiencing some pain but then it fully works through the old program so you can have closure and make a clean uninstall. Leaving space for a shiny new app that is going to be so much better for you.