πŸ§πŸ”πŸ§ Allanah Hunt Abundance Accelerator Product Review πŸ§πŸ”πŸ§

πŸ§πŸ”πŸ§ Allanah Hunt Abundance Accelerator Product Review πŸ§πŸ”πŸ§

πŸ™There is a new manifestation product that is wildly popular and people are raving about the great results they are getting from it. But what is making this new program so special? 

It claims: “Finally!! Now You Can Put All Your Money Worries Behind You & Discover The ‘Universe's KEY’ To Real Financial Abundance.”  that’s a bold claim, so I was intrigued to try it out for myself to see if this was the real deal.

What I found the most surprising ...

Here’s what I found after personally trying it out for myself for 30 days. 

Now I’ve seen a lot of these products and frankly, many are not that great. With Abundance Accelerator by Allanah Hunt, you immediately see that this is a high quality product. Not goofy gimmicks here. When you log in, it is well designed and easy to navigate. Plus the audios and videos are high quality and professional. 

I was also surprised to see that Allanah Hunt is a real person and an authentic expert. She is not just a pen name with a voice over that many programs use, or someone who started teaching law of attraction because it is popular. 

There are several videos with Allanah teaching.  What I like about her is that she is warm and real and has overcome poverty and abusive environments. She has helped transform many people’s lives as private clients and now she has created this self paced program for you at home. 

Once you log in, you see many testimonials and comments from the thousands of members. That’s always a really positive sign. No fake testimonials here. 

πŸ™Who is the creator, Allanah Hunt? 

I did a google search on Allanah. Everything I found on her is positive. What I like most is the story of her life’s journey. She has overcome intense odds of extreme poverty single parent family relying on government assistance. She was raised in an extremely restrictive church demanding total obedience and still they were the outcasts and then Allanah became pregnant when she was still a teenager. I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but her road to abundance is nothing short of inspiring and incredible. Allanah now shares her time between London and New Zealand. 

πŸ™What is Abundance Accelerator?

Abundance Accelerator is designed to reshape your energetic frequency. It’s changing the channel on the TV from a bad movie to a happily ever after movie. 

If you’re visualising financial abundance but your energy has the imprint of poverty, you will manifest more money struggles. Wherever there’s a conflict or misalignment between what you want and the energetic memory that’s stored in every cell of your body, the one with the most power will manifest. 

That’s why the only way to permanently alter your reality is to reshape your energetic frequency so that the same 2.1 trillion volts of power contained in your body that has manifested the things you don’t want, will instead power the manifestation of everything you do want. 

How it works ...

You manifest through the power of ENERGETIC ALIGNMENT. The frequency of your energy is delivering your reality in exactly the same way the frequency your television is tuned to, is delivering what you see on the screen. 

Allanah describes it, “With a simple shift you can tap into the pulse of the universe and tune up to the abundance you were born to experience. In just a few minutes a day you can quickly and easily go from loneliness to love, from poverty to plenty and from despair to delight. 

When you’re aligned with abundance, the things you want manifest effortlessly. You vibrate with a pure, clear signal that’s perfectly tuned to unlimited potential. 

UCLA biophysicist Jim Gimzeweski first discovered that the vibration in cells could be heard as audible sounds in 2001. 

He discovered that healthy or high vibration cells produce a hum that sounds beautiful to the human ear and unhealthy or low vibration cells produce a sound that was described as horribly out of tune. 

We know that stem cells which are found in large numbers in the umbilical cord of babies with high energy frequency. This is the natural energy frequency of abundance you were born with. 

As you go through life, emotion imprints and reshapes your cells, changing the vibration. In effect, it’s altering that pitch perfect note until it becomes dull and out of tune. Your energy becomes jittery and noisy. The signal of abundance is buried under layers of what Allanah calls ‘other-people-ness’. 

In Abundance Accelerator Allanah guides you through the realignment of your energy into abundance. You change your emotional vibration about money, relationships, and happiness to attract what you want. If you do not have the things you want, it means you are unintentionally repelling it. 

πŸ™How it helps ...

It helps you realign from struggle to abundance so that the feelings of overwhelm, money stresses, relationships stress or any other parts of your life start to disappear. When you are aligned you stop attracting what you don’t want and start attracting what you do want. 

πŸ™Does it really work?

This is what everybody wants to know. This is why I tested it and wrote this review. 

As proof by many authentic testimonials in the membership area, it works for everyone that uses the program. I found the same thing. Money and opportunities started showing up in my life almost immediately because my resistance was reduced and I was more aligned with the things I want. My stress and overwhelm went away and I feel an inner peace that I haven’t felt in forever. 

πŸ™What’s Included in Abundance Accelerator?

Tap In And Tune Up is a step-by-step blueprint that will give you the exact formula to tap into the pulse of the universe and tune up to the abundance that’s already yours. It’s the secret sauce that will spice up your life in ways you can’t even begin to imagine right now. 

Energy Aligner is like a reset button for your energy. You’ll feel like you’re ‘coming home’ as negative, toxic and harmful energy dissolves from every cell and your entire body comes into alignment. Simply press play and let your energy shift as you sleep. 

Abundance Amplifier to turbocharge your connection to pure abundance and reshape your cellular memory with the imprint of love, success, health, wealth and happiness. 

Energy Booster will guide you to the core of your energy where your true power lies. You will connect to your own energy so you can tune into that clear, pure signal and adjust your voltage whenever you need to increase your manifesting powers. 


I don’t know if these change, but these are what I got when I bought the Abundance Accelerator. 

Abundance Block Eliminator is a powerful tool to help you release the energy of past experiences that are standing between you and the abundance that is your birthright.

Anxiety Alleviator is the perfect way to break through fear and anxiety so you can recognise opportunities when they arise and take confident action in the direction of your dreams.

Emotional Trigger Diffuser.

Emotional Trigger Diffuser includes seven powerful strategies to diffuse the negative emotional charge around all future experiences so you can keep yourself in perfect harmony with everything you want.

Energy Clearer Ho’oponopono is one of the most effective energy cleansing tools in the world. Ho’oponopono is a powerful ancient Hawaiian prayer that will clean your energy from the inside out and connect you to your natural state of abundance. Use this recording daily to bring peace and clarity to your everyday life.

πŸ€“πŸ€“How is Instant Manifestation Secrets different from other products. 

1 - Main Difference

The main difference is that Allanah Hunt is a real person and a real expert that you can search in google or go to her website https://allanahhunt.com . So many educational products out there are pen names. But Allanah is a real world expert with a decade of experience and helping clients. 

2 - That’s great but what does that mean to me and you? 

The Abundance Accelerator program is not a book that you read on your own and try to put into practice. And it’s not a movie you watch that stays with you for just a few days. Allanah will be guiding you every step of the way. It’s her voice you’ll hear as you go to sleep each night. It’s her voice you’ll hear as you reshape your energy. It’s her voice you’ll hear connecting you to your true manifesting power.  You can listen whenever you want, as many times as you want.

3 - Easy to use

It doesn’t get any easier. Just press play and listen to the audios are Allanah guides you through aligning your energy to abundance. 

4 - For any level. Beginner to Expert.

This will work for beginners or experts. If you have had experience with energy programs before, you will feel right at home. If this is new to you, you will fall in love with it immediately. It is perfectly safe and easy. Just listen, relax and let Allanah be your personal guide to a better life. This will become one of your favorite parts of your day. 

5 - Value

I was actually blown away by how much I got for such a low price. The main program alone is worth way more than what you pay it. Plus you get the amazing bonuses. Frankly, I am surprised Allanah is not charging $299 or even $499. The results you get in your life are easily worth that much. 

6 - 100% Proven Testimonials 

The testimonials are posted directly from individuals who have received good results after using the system. Member reviews are always important to determine the product quality. There aren’t just a few testimonials, but hundreds. This is proof of people loving it. You will see them for yourself in the membership area after you log in. 

7 - Instant Access 

One you pay, you get immediate access. You start immediately with no delays because you login and press play. 

8 - TIP 

You don’t need earbuds or headphones but I suggest you do for one main reason, it is easier to block out the world, relax and focus. This has become my favorite 15 minutes of the day. I started without using my earbuds, but I like it so much more when I use them. 

9 - Money Back Guarantee

You get a 60 day money back guarantee. Test it out and if it is not what you thought it would be, simply respond to your email receipt and Clickbank will refund your money. 

πŸ˜„πŸ˜„Pro’s and Con’s

Most of this review has been praising Abundance Accelerator because I love the authenticity and power of this program. But if I was to give Allanah feedback on what I’d like to see improved is just one thing. I can’t get enough of it. That’s why I also joined her monthly membership with live calls. 

πŸ’˜So, Is It Worth It?

It is clear that I think the program is incredible and worth it. Ater using this for more than a month, I would have happily paid a lot more and it still would have been a deal because of the life changing impact it has had on my life and my emotional health. 

Here’s my link. Don’t waste another second, CLICK HERE and start ABUNDANCE ACCELERATOR https://tinyurl.com/Abundant1111 right now. You’ll thank me that you did. 

Manifesting hacks - How to change everything with the law of attraction

 ⚡️ ☄️ πŸ’₯ This is the moment when … ⚡️ ☄️ πŸ’₯

⚡️The one you’ll look back on in years to come and say, “That was the moment everything began to change”.

Isn’t that how it happens when you look back at a moment that changed the direction of your life? What if you could intentionally create a moment like that? What if you could control the direction of your life?

The reality is, and you know this but it is sometimes hard to admit, you can create a moment that your life shifted. How? Energy and manifestation expert Allanah Hunt tells us that when you shift your energy, you change your life. 

Shifting your energy is a choice. A simple choice actually and then you continue to build momentum on that simple change in energy. Then a few days, a few weeks and certain in a few months, your life has taken a dramatic change for the better. 

Allanah receives messages every day from people saying how much their lives have changed since using the key she just described. 

Their messages say how their relationships they’ve repaired, the soulmate they’ve met, the new job offer they’ve received, the unexpected money that shows up, the extra energy they have and about the amazing lightness and happiness they feel.

Their lives are transforming in exactly the same way Allanah's life did just a few short years ago when she discovered how this one simple and small shift can make such a huge and dramatic impact on your life. It’s almost effortless and it becomes automatic.

It all started with A QUESTION Allanah asked herself. A question that brought all the answers rushing to her in a way that created powerful connections of manifestation that literally turned her world from upside down to rightside up living a life she once dreamed about. 

What do you need to know that you don’t know yet? 

The distance between where you are and where you want to be is what you don’t know right now and the actions you aren’t taking. When you know this, your life will turn on a dime and you will create something even better. 

If you want to connect with Allanah and see her presentation about living a life of abundance, as she reveals the truth behind the mysteries of manifestation, click here. πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ https://tinyurl.com/Abundant1111

Source / Credit: Allanah Hunt πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ https://tinyurl.com/Abundant1111

About Allanah Hunt

Allanah’s mission to help you discover the power you have inside to live the life you want and deserve. She lives in London and New Zealand. She has lived a true hero story overcoming poverty and abusive relationships to find her true calling and purpose as a law of attraction energy expert. Allanah is praised for her ability to share her methods of manifestation that works for anybody. You can learn more about Allanah’s new program called Abundance Accelerator by clicking here πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ https://tinyurl.com/Abundant1111

Source / Credit: Allanah Hunt πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ https://tinyurl.com/Abundant1111

⚡️ ☄️ πŸ’₯ Law of attraction hacks - How to manifest automatically ⚡️ ☄️ πŸ’₯

⚡️No matter where you’ve come from or where you find yourself right now, the power to manifest everything you want is already yours. All you need is the key that will fit the lock and open the door to everything you want.

Many manke manifestation and the law of attraction as mysterious and elusive activity only available to a select few. But the reality is that this power is already within you. When you learn to tap into what is already inside of you, than you start to manifest the things you want automatically. 

⚡️⚡️Energy and manifestation expert Allanah Hunt, puts it this way. “When I discovered the key to the mysteries of manifestation, I could barely contain myself. I could hardly believe how quickly everything began to change. Suddenly things that had felt so difficult for so long, became effortless.

My life did a 360-degree turn-around and everything I’d ever wanted started to appear as if by magic. As I opened one door, others would open too. The key fit every lock and I started manifesting like crazy.

People, money, opportunities, better relationships, solutions to problems that I’d been struggling with for years ... it all just fell into place. My whole world shifted on its axis and it was as if I’d tapped into the pulse of the Universe.

πŸ’₯Everything just happened ... automatically.

πŸ’₯πŸ’₯Exactly as I’d always believed it could.”

Allanah’s incredible zero to hero story is about overcoming poverty, abusive relationships and growing up in a strict cult like religion. Her story is heartbreaking and painful but she no longer sees it as painful. It is now her story of empowerment. That is why she loves to share her message of the power that is already inside of you and how you too can manifest a beautiful life. 

In Allanah’s flagship program, Abundance Accelerator, she shares how she turned her life of pain into personal power by raising her energy. When you raise your energy, you raise your vibration. When you raise your vibration, you start to attract different things. When you attract different things, you create a different life. 

For a while this was the hardest thing in the world for Allanah. It was difficult to even find a reason to smile. But when she decided she would control what she could, her life began to change. She started with her thoughts and beliefs. That led to an inner power she never had before. Which lead to saving herself from a horrific environment. And that eventually brought her to us today as a leading expert in energy and manifestation. 

Allanah’s story is evidence that no matter where you are, you have the power already inside of you to create a better life. And if you believe and if you dare, you too can live an amazing life. 

To learn more about Allanah and to see her presentation about living a life of abundance, click here πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ https://tinyurl.com/Abundant1111

Source / Credit: Allanah Hunt πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ https://tinyurl.com/Abundant1111

⚡️ ☄️ πŸ’₯ Easy law of attraction hack - How to stop attracting struggle and frustration ⚡️ ☄️ πŸ’₯

There’s a power within you that’s greater than the world around you. Greater than the circumstances of your life, greater than the situation you find yourself in right now and greater than you’ve ever been allowed to believe.

What manifestation energy expert Allanah Hunt reveals is unlike anything you’ve ever heard before. Recently she made a startling discovery. A discovery that changed the course of her life forever. 

You see regardless of your childhood circumstances, or even your current circumstances, you were born to live in abundance. You were born to experience unlimited wealth, health, love, success and happiness.

⚡️⚡️In fact, it’s already yours.

In her popular video Allanah shares the key to the mysteries of manifestation. It’s the key to unlock the Law of Attraction and to manifest everything you want quickly, easily and permanently. 

⚡️⚡️This key is so powerful that it has worked for every single person Allanah has shared it with. Many people say that the law of attraction is fantasy or new age nonsense. It’s easy to dismiss what you don’t know or understand. It’s easy to say it doesn’t work, if it hasn’t worked for you yet. But manifestation is based on foundational scientific principles. Every successful person will tell you that it works. 

Let me ask you a question ...

☄️How would it feel to leave struggle, frustration and disappointment behind you and

finally manifest the life you’ve always known could be yours?

☄️To live a life filled with love, joy, happiness, peace and abundance.

Struggle, frustration and disappointment is the law of attraction at work. So is wealth, happiness and abundance. The difference is what you focus on. The difference is what you give energy to. 

Imagine waking up every morning in the home of your dreams, traveling everywhere you’ve ever wanted to go, finding love and romance with your perfect partner, having the success you’ve always craved, being able to provide for your loved ones, and knowing you have the health and vitality to enjoy every single second of it!

πŸ’₯πŸ’₯You can have it all ...

Not because Allanah says it can happen, but because the law of attraction proves it can happen, over and over, everyday. 

How do you go from struggle to abundance? 

You start by aligning your energy with the things you want. Don’t complain about what you don’t have. Start talking about what is coming. Don’t complain about the problems in your life. Start talking about how so many things are starting to go your way. You start by changing what you focus on. 

Source / Credit: Allanah Hunt πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ https://tinyurl.com/Abundant1111

Allanah’s mission is to help you discover the power you have inside to live the life you want and deserve. She lives in London and New Zealand. She has lived a true hero story overcoming poverty and abusive relationships to find her true calling and purpose as a law of attraction energy expert. Allanah is praised for her ability to share her methods of manifestation that works for anybody. You can learn more about Allanah’s new program called Abundance Accelerator by clicking here πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ https://tinyurl.com/Abundant1111

πŸ’”πŸ’”How to manifest love with the law of attraction - Why Do Men Pull Away When Their Woman Is Upset? πŸ’”πŸ’”

 πŸ’”πŸ’”Why Do Men Pull Away When Their Woman Is Upset? πŸ’”πŸ’”

As women we often believe that if our partner’s truly loved us, they would be able to see when we are upset and want to protect and comfort us. Isn’t that what a man is supposed to do?

So when he pulls away, we tell ourselves he doesn’t love us

For a long time, I believed this to be true. I thought if I showed how upset I was, that my partner would give me the comfort I wanted. And the more he pulled away, the more upset I got. I truly expected him to follow me and do whatever he could to make me feel better.

It was only after a couple of failed relationships that I discovered the truth. And like any ‘truth’, it will not be universal to every man however, it is common to the majority.

A man needs his woman to be happy in order to feel like a man!

If you are miserable, he feels like he needs to fix you. Well the first time anyway.

But if no matter what he does, you are often upset, angry or emotional, he feels worthless and helpless. He truly feels threatened at a very deep level and will often do anything to avoid facing you or your emotions even going so far as to leave the relationship altogether.

What might feel like a series of temporary emotions to you, spells ongoing misery to him particularly if you are telling him you are upset because of something he has or hasn’t done.

As women we can struggle to recognise this as for most of us, seeing someone upset or crying brings out our maternal or empathetic side. We have a desire to comfort that sees us move toward rather than away from the person. For us, in many ways, this brings a closer connection with someone we care for.

But most men are wired very differently. They care at a very deep level but if they feel unable to ‘fix you’, they will often walk away rather than continue to experience feelings of helplessness or powerlessness

Men have an ability to compartmentalise different parts of their life in a way that sometimes I envy. So if it appears they are happily watching television even though you are clearly upset and wanting to talk, it’s because they can’t deal with how he feels when he sees and hears your emotions. He has simply decided to flick a switch in his brain as a way to escape.

Unfortunately, this defence feels like rejection to a woman. It feels rude, unfeeling and even like abandonment in some cases. It leaves us feeling unloved and invisible. And as we see actions as demonstrating the truth far more clearly than words, we convince ourselves that our partner just doesn’t care.

It might feel true for you but for your partner who loves you deeply, he feels misunderstood, misaligned and completely alone. He has nowhere to go with his feelings and so simply withdraws even further. And if he believes he can’t make you happy, he would rather let you go than continue to cause you pain.

The greatest gift you can ever give another person is your own happiness – Esther Hicks

When your man sees you happy, he will move towards you. He will want to bask in the reflection of your happiness as it makes him feel like a success. He will feel accepted and respected both of which are vital to a man’s sense of self-worth and his ability to truly be himself.

Now you may be thinking, ‘but I need to be myself too’. Why do I have to show a happy face when I’m annoyed or feeling hurt?

I’m not saying you can’t have emotions or that you can’t be honest about them. But when you bring those emotions into the space between you and your man, the chances are that you will not get the outcome you are hoping for. In going to him when you are emotional, he will feel attacked and immediately be on the defensive.

Imagine you had an issue with a colleague at work. If you were to spew your emotions across the boardroom table, would you be met with respect and understanding? Would this be a path to resolution?

While your relationship with your partner is far more intimate, and you may feel it’s a place to be ‘completely honest’, bringing your intense emotions to the table will not result in the understanding or respect you desire. Your words will not be heard above the feelings that will be triggered in your partner.

So the way to resolve issues between you is to learn healthy ways to manage your own emotions so that you can have a rational and balanced discussion about what is bothering you. When you are in balance, you can address the issues in a calm manner which will encourage conversation. And remember that any conversation is a two-way street. If you want him to listen to your point of view, then you must be prepared to hear his in return even if it feels uncomfortable.

In this way you give and receive respect. Two people who love each other and who choose to navigate the trials of a life together. Never forget that your partner has emotions too. Just because he doesn’t express them in a way that you recognise, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

With a strong base your partner will feel able to comfort you when you truly need it. In those times when life throws you a curve ball, he will want to be your rock. And he will turn to you when things are difficult for him too.

And isn’t that what it’s all about?

Sharing the highs and lows of life in a supportive and loving way is a gift beyond compare. A gift you can give to your partner and one you can receive in return.

Source/ credit: Credit Allanah Hunt 


🌟✨The Secret to Success with Law of Attraction: Defining Success On Your Own Terms 🌟✨

In a world driven by the need to achieve, many of us find ourselves standing outside the ‘normal’ definition of success wondering how to find our place in the world. We look at others who seem to ‘have it all’ and tell ourselves we need to work harder, smarter, longer so we too can find the success we crave.

Perhaps then our lives will have meaning.

 The word success will conjure up an immediate mental picture for you and carries with it a raft of expectations based on how we define success.

What does success look like to you?

⚡️Is it a degree from University?

⚡️Is it a good job?

⚡️Is it another rung in a corporate career?

⚡️Is it owning a house, a car, a plane?

⚡️Is it earning a certain amount of money?

⚡️Is it a retirement fund?

⚡️Is it world travel?

⚡️Is it fame?

⚡️Is it a certain number of social media followers?

⚡️Is it a happy family?

⚡️Is it holidays abroad?

πŸ’₯We are bombarded by messages in the media about who you need to be in order to be successful. We see images of people who have made a fortune out of business or knowledge and we define them as successful. We see sportspeople who are driven to achieve amazing feats and we call them successful. There are types of professions and careers that are considered the perfect road to success and others which are minimised, undervalued and depreciated. And the amount we are paid is directly proportional to the value society places on what we do.

πŸ’₯All of these external definitions of success impact our understanding of the word and create an imprint in our brain. That imprint is instantaneously delivered whenever you hear the word success or contemplate your desire to find it. In fact, it is so strongly imprinted on your brain that you will compete with yourself in a need to meet your own preconceived expectations. It will drive your choices, it will drive your behaviour and how closely your results match your imprint, will drive your emotions.

But there is something even deeper and stronger that you are driven by and that’s your own inherent values and needs.

At your deepest core there is a desire to feel certain emotions and you will do anything it takes to feel them.

So if what you want to feel is not delivered by your strive to achieve your imprint of success, then you will not take the actions to create the outcome you’re hoping for. You will certainly do your best with all your will, but will find time and again, you fall short of your own expectations for yourself. It can make you feel like a failure. It can make you feel like you’re just not good enough. And it can make you fall into despair.

But it’s not you who is the problem.

The problem lies with your definition of success and the expectations that accompany it.

And that is in your power to change!

When we change the parameters we use to measure success, we can create a new imprint that matches our values, needs and the emotions we want to feel. By bringing these into alignment, we are creating a recipe for success that we can truly embrace.

George Bernard Shaw is responsible for this famous quote:

“Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself”


But life is not just about creating yourself. It’s also about creating your world to match who you are.

The act of creation comes from something deep inside of you. It’s the process of bringing something into existence. It’s a connection and reflection of your heart, your soul and your humanity brought to life.

Redefining your measure of success to bring it into alignment with who you truly are is the fastest way to achieve it. It removes the blocks that stop you from taking action, it inspires you to do more, be more, give more.


Because suddenly instead of there being an internal conflict which saps your energy, there is harmony and a clear direction that every part of you can embrace. This is where your true power lies.

And it’s the place you will find the meaning, fulfilment and growth you’ve been searching for.

For sure the world will still present a version of success that may not match the life you’ve chosen. But if you ask one of the many who have spoken of regrets on their deathbed, they will tell you that chasing the world view of success does not guarantee happiness.

True success is measured by a life lived in alignment with you.

Real success can be measured in happiness, fulfilment, joy, acceptance, connection, self-exploration and self-expression.

This doesn’t mean you live outside of society like some outcast. It means you find your own path within the framework that exists. It means you tap into the resources we all have access to and tailor them to fit your definition of success. It means you harness your power of creation to mould and shape your world by being in alignment with your truest self.

Your strive for success will no longer be a burden, but a joy. Suddenly you will recognise, and be delivered, opportunities you would never have seen if you had pursued the road commonly travelled. There will still be challenges on your journey but as you traverse them, you will understand they are simply signposts to guide you along the way. You will know that it is not the destination that brings fulfilment and happiness but the voyage itself.

As you define success on your own terms there will be outcomes you desire to see but your success will no longer be dependent on a set of expectations being met.

Success will be an outward expression of you in motion.

And therefore as there is no standing still, you are already a success.

It simply exists in you and already is. 

Source / Credit: Allanah Hunt πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ https://tinyurl.com/Abundant1111 


Have you ever stopped to ask yourself who you are?

🌟Not who you think you should be, but actually who you already ARE.

Once upon a time you were free to think, feel and behave in a way that was a true reflection of you. It didn’t last long as very soon, people started telling you what you should think, what you should believe, how you should feel and told you what the rules of acceptable behaviour are.

Somewhere inside of you though, perhaps buried very deeply, is a spark of the person you once were before the world started telling you who you should be.

If you look at a child, you will see them explore their world. They push the boundaries by climbing trees, jumping in puddles, saying ‘NO’ a lot, talking to themselves and by expressing themselves creatively through art, song, dance and movement. A small child has a bountiful imagination and creates a world for themselves that we adults can only guess at.

They are completely absorbed in the activity they are involved in and sometimes nothing you say will tear them away from it. In that moment, the child is following their inner voice, following their joy and revelling in something that makes them supremely happy.

Before you say it, I know we adults live in the ‘real world’; the world where you must work so that you can pay your bills, take care of those who are dependent on you and be responsible and dependable. Of course these things are important but if this is all your life comprises of who you are not living but simply existing.

If you are here reading this article, you are most probably searching for a way to improve your life. Perhaps there are things you believe you need to change about yourself.

Imagine an onion for a moment. Yeah, I know, brings tears to your eyes doesn’t it?

⚡️⚡️But what if those tears came from a different place?

What if when you cut the end off the onion to see the layers inside, you begin to understand that every one of those layers hides a part of yourself that you have forgotten? Every single layer is something you have taught yourself to become, someone others have taught you to become. If you cut through the middle of the onion, you will see its heart. If you have ever roasted an onion, you will know this is the sweetest tenderest part, wrapped and cocooned by layers of protection to keep the developing flower bud safe from harm.

Perhaps you have done the same? Perhaps you too have built up layers of protection to keep you safe from hurt and to hide behind so that the judgemental and often unkind world can’t reach you. Those people who would seek to bully, to reject, to gossip and to make fun of you.

The problem is, that the thicker the layers on top of you or the stronger and higher the walls, the more imprisoned you become until you cannot see yourself at all.

What if your journey isn’t about becoming anything? What if it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place?

So maybe instead of feeling that you need to change something about yourself to be happier, healthier, more successful or more peaceful, maybe you need instead to un-become what everyone else would want you to be.

Just like that onion that brought tears to your eyes, perhaps you could start peeling back the layers of doubt, sadness, rejection, pain, expectation, fear and conformity so that you can start creating a connection to yourself again.

Perhaps you could start by lifting your head and looking the world in the eye.

πŸ‘€πŸ‘€What do you see?

One thing I know for sure is that you will always see what you expect to see.

If you expect to see sadness, rejection and cruelty, then that is exactly what you will be surrounded with. But if you expect to see happiness, kindness and connection with others, then that is exactly what you will see.

⚡️⚡️Challenge your assumptions.

Throw off the media’s interpretation of the world we live in and look again. Look for the little children who play together with no judgement. Look for the kindness that strangers give to each other.

⚡️⚡️Go where you feel most yourself.

For me, this is the beach. When I put my bare feet on the sand, when I walk through the waves at the water’s edge, when I hear the sound of sea birds calling to each other I somehow come alive. It’s as if I become part of the ocean, swept away and gently carried to a place of peace and aliveness.

Many people feel this way in a forest. The dappled sunshine above, the rippling of a stream and the birdsong that whispers constantly in joy around you, is like a cocoon of safety and calm.

If you have never explored this, then take some time this week to find your place. Somewhere you will feel lighter, somewhere you will feel safe and somewhere you will recognise the wee child that wants to play, wants to smile and wants to dance.

Spend time with yourself, explore your world and rediscover the person you are. Use your imagination to create a world of joy and happiness for yourself.

Don’t be afraid as you already have everything you need inside you. The person you were born to be is waiting patiently for you to remember. Show yourself the attention you need, show kindness, show love, show acceptance and in just a short while, you will begin to shine again.

Credit / Source: Allanah Hunt πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰https://tinyurl.com/Abundant1111🌟

The Media Don't Want You To See This...

I've never been one to have much of an opinion on what happens in the media...

I try to avoid putting my focus into situations that lower my frequency.

But this time I feel that the media have gone too far...

Click The Link Below To See What I'm Talking About>> 


I've always felt like the media doesn't have the general public's best interest at heart

Broadcasting hate & scarcity... Instead of Love and Abundance

I’ve learned through years of personal experience that you become what you focus on…

And if your day to day involves soaking up the negativity of the news you could become a hate filled sponge, begging to be rinsed out...

Recently I've had it confirmed...

Over the last few years a MASSIVE breakthrough in research around the powerful universal laws of manifestation has been suppressed by the media

Just see for yourself...

Click Below to See The Article talking about the media blocking ground breaking research into how to increase our subconscious power to manifest our dreams..


When you understand what this means for humanity you'll understand why I'm so passionate about getting it into the people's hands!

Why you must take control of your mindset to make the Law of Attraction work for you

Here is my number one tip for how to optimise your life, be successful, live your best life, everything.

Take control of your mind. Your brain, mind set is like a powerful computer that comes without instructions. If you install the right apps on it, it can function to its best and highest capacity. It can learn and compute and problem solve, create, imagine and manifest and amazing life for you.


On the other hand, if you do not take charge of your brain and mind, like an unsecured computer, it will get infected by spam and pop ups and viruses and Trojan horses which, in real life terms translates as, you'll just become another zombie in the matrix, ticking off the life list, following the masses, on the treadmill of the rat race with a head-full of sheepish trends, bad news, reality TV drama and a wasted life of bored dissatisfaction.


Which one are you going to choose?


Your brain is and has always been like a sponge absorbing everything going on around it, ever since you where a tiny innocent little kid. It absorbed and still constantly absorbing all the praise and criticism, stories and belief from your parents, family, teachers, all the messages from tv, music, adverts and media. 


This, for better and worse affects how you feel about yourself, what you believe and acts as programming for how you function on a daily basis. You'll have witnessed how you have similar cute little ism's or idiosyncrasies like your mother, because you "got it from your mum".


There darker side of this is negative thoughts and patterns. Is there something in your life that you always seems to screw up, for example money - you're in debt or never have much money. Walk back in time and think about what you where told and taught about money. Where you quite poor or people around you talked about lack of money? And now, what you also believe deep down to links money to lack and being poor. Your brain has installed the poor app, because you have negative beliefs and programming brainwashed into you from being a kid and the world at large now (we're constantly bombarded by adverts trying to install their buy, buy, buy, spend, spend, spends apps).


You've probably seen a particular friend in your life who always gets into bad  relationships with type of person that is terrible for them, over and over again. Why? Because at some point their brain has installed the app, aka belief that they don't deserve some that's going to treat them right (perhaps they saw unhealthy relationships growing up or on TV and thought that is normal) so that is the programming that plays out over and over again. As a friend witnessing this it's tough, it doesn't matter what you say. The same thing will keep happening until your friend, not anyone else around them, installs a different app, changes their beliefs and upgrades their programming. This could be diving into what a healthy relationship is, or that they deserve some who's going to treat them like king or queen.


Some famous dude said whether you think you can, or can't, you're right. Have you ever met a lucky person life is sunshine and rainbows, wine and roses for them? They see the world as a beautiful wonderful positive place. Or a person that is a fun sponge, a mood hoover who always seems to have bad things happen to them? Whether they know it or not, it's all in the programming.. the apps or beliefs that have installed by them or the world, alot of times unwittingly.


So far this is sounding pretty bad. No, my friend, now you're aware of this it is the best opportunity of your life. You have the choice to be brave an take control of your super computer, you brain. You can uninstall the spam and the viruses, the beliefs and the stories that do not serve your best life and reinstall apps, beliefs, stories that will upgrade your life and take it to the next level.


Speaking of the Matrix then, will you choose to come down this rabbit hole?


Sometimes uninstalling the old apps or beliefs, stories and programming takes some effort, persistence and time because they've been there for years, and it can be uncomfortable letting go of something like a kid letting go of their comfort blanket. However, if you resonate with what you've read so far, it is surely going to be worth it to upgrade you life.


How do you identify the old apps... Or negative beliefs and limiting programming? Look at the areas of your life that could be better or you know you really Want to change.


It might help to write it down, type your thoughts, jot a note or scribble a diagram. Next, step back from your life, imagine that you're looking at it like a storyboard or movie that you can pause, rewind and replay on. Take the time to objectively (detach and look at it like another person's story) search for, witness and identify the stories, situations people and beliefs that have installed the undesired apps, or negative beliefs and programming into  your current brain. Write it down if it helps, just notes or in full detail if that's what helps.


From your still objective view point ask the question; "is this brain app (belief, story programming) working in a positive way for me now?"


If the answer if yes, leave it installed - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. If the answer no, uninstall it and replace it with a better app (belief, story, programming).


How do you uninstall the spam beliefs and reinstall better ones? There are many methods.


1. Just decide. That's it, make the choice. Mentally click the uninstall button and then choose to think and do differently. 


2. Re brain wash yourself


3. Carrot and stick approach. What would happen if you do and what would happen if you don't? Imagination and projecting forward in time lines here can help alot.


4.  Have a reboot. Relive, forgive, you deserve better, let go, move on. May require some professional help, re experiencing some pain but then it fully works through the old program so you can have closure and make a clean uninstall. Leaving space for a shiny new app that is going to be so much better for you.